I went to The Glove Factory in Holt for a talk by Simon Tyler a few years ago, Simon talked about the impact we all have on others when we don't even realise it which was very thought provoking. I can recommend his book, The Impact Code, which is full of useful ways to enhance your presence and impact at work.
During his talk he mentioned balance and an experience he had when he stood on 2 scales, with each of his feet on different scales, to see how his weight was distributed. The purpose was to improve posture and subsequently better body balance. His body was compensating for his weight being unbalanced by making adjustments in another part of his body. This got me thinking about whether it's possible to be perfectly balanced and how could it be achieved day to day.
This example was about physical balance but what about how we see the world, can that ever be balanced? We are all influenced by many things, family and friends, what we read and watch, our surrounding, our past and our hopes for the future to name just a few. We all make assumptions based on our view of the world which isn't the truth just our view.
Being aware of our imbalances and how they can effect others is a good step to becoming more self aware. If we can also be aware of the motivations of those around us we will have a better understanding of why they act in a certain way. Before you make assumptions, try to gain a better understanding of others view of the world.