Hello and welcome to the second edition of the Motivation Matters Newsletter
If you read the first edition you will understand the difference between Motivation and Inspiration, in this edition I’ll explain how motivation is as much to do with the environment we create as the work we do.
Let’s look at how we can create our own environment that will motivate us from the perspective of a business owner. In my “How to become a High Flier” course I cover the 7 skills and key attitude which contribute to the self-directing skills for life.
Rather than falling into the trap of thinking everything happens to us, we need to take the attitude of responsible initiative by shaping our own environment. This involves accepting we can influence most things with the right attitude and avoiding the trap of becoming a work victim.
So what has this got to do with motivation you may be thinking, well motivation is essentially how we feel about our work. To feel good about our...
Hello and welcome to the first edition of the Motivation Matters Newsletter
Each fortnight, I’ll be diving deep into the topic of motivation and why it’s so important for personal and business performance. In this episode I will explore why many are confused by what motivation really is and why most Motivational Speakers are more Inspirational than Motivational.
The word Motivation can be described as a portmanteau because it’s a word that’s made by blending 2 or more words together, in this case motive and action. The motive part refers to our reason and the action part is what we then do as a result of the reason.
We have been lead to believe that there’s such a thing as a Motivational Speaker which begs the question, can we be motivated by listening to a speaker? Or in other words, can someone give us a reason to do something?
Unless we are in a position of desperation and have to make decisions based on need then I will suggest we can be inspired...
How we can identify, describe, measure, and maximize motivation for everyone in your team and most importantly you? The tool I use is motivational maps the reason I use them because it identifies motivation. It takes about 10 minutes. It's an online questionnaire it describes using nine motivations which I'm gonna go through with you now.
Firstly, what does is it gives us, you'll see three groupings. There's three relationship motivators. There's three achievement motivators, and there's three growth motivators. So we are all, a combination of all these. . But what we've gotta do is find the right order for us. Which one's most important down to them one that's least important.
So there's three groups of three, and what we've also gotta think about is what does each one mean? So I'm gonna go through each one of them to give you a quick overview. So top left is the defender. The defender is the motivation for security, predictability, and stability. The friend is the motivation for...
There is a lot of talk about energy at the moment because of the ever increasing cost of keeping warm, keeping the lights on and filling up our vehicles. Without going into the politics around why this is happening, it’s worth considering the role that energy plays in our life.
The definition of energy according to oxford languages is: - power derived from the utilisation of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines. It can also mean the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity and this is the meaning I’d like to explore.
One of the ways we gain energy is by what we eat and we know that somethings give us a short burst of energy and others give us energy that is less intense but tends to last a bit longer. When we need energy it’s easy to reach for something that will quickly give us the boost we need but continually doing this can make us feel we are on a rollercoaster of energy with...
The seventh step when creating a business that sets you free is energise, in this video I explain how you need to reward everyone the way they prefer, also covered in this chapter of MOTIVATED the book, Giving feedback, walking the walk and transferring responsibility.
You can purchase the book from Amazon or here
The sixth step when creating a business that sets you free is review, in this video I explain how you need to lead your team through the change curve, also covered in this chapter of MOTIVATED the book, influencing styles, managing performance and motivated job chats .
You can purchase the book from Amazon or here
The fifth step when creating a business that sets you free is unify, in this video I explain how you need to adjust style to the situation, also covered in this chapter of MOTIVATED the book, embracing differences in your team, managing your ego and being genuine.
You can purchase the book from Amazon or here
The fourth step when creating a business that sets you free is systemising your processes, in this video I explain how you need to automate and control your workload, also covered in this chapter of MOTIVATED the book, measure what matters, working smart and developing habits.
You can purchase the book from Amazon or here
The third step when creating a business that sets you free is bringing your vision to life, in this video I explain how you need to notice what's going on, also covered in this chapter of MOTIVATED the book, setting goals, controlling your workload and the importance of purpose.
You can purchase the book from Amazon or here
The second step when creating a business that sets you free is to know where you are and where you are going, in this video I explain the 5 steps every business needs to step through, also covered in this chapter of MOTIVATED the book, why you need to be clear on the problem you solve, how to create a motivated vision and keeping on track.
You can purchase the book from Amazon or here